
Bölümümüz Akademik Personeli tarafından alınmış olan patentler aşağıda sunulmuştur.

1) KM Nour, K Polat (2021).

Letter and number recognition system using EEG-fNIRS for speech impaired people” is patented by the US patent office in 2021.$.PD.&OS=AN/%22King+Abdulaziz+University%22+AND+ISD/2021&RS=AN/%22King+Abdulaziz+University%22+AND+ISD/2021

Patent number: Patent #: US011016567  


2) M Nour, K Polat (2022).

“Contactless photoplethysmography for physiological parameter measurement” - is patented by the US patent office in 2022.$.PD.&OS=AN/%22king+Abdulaziz+university%22+AND+ISD/2022&RS=AN/%22king+Abdulaziz+university%22+AND+ISD/2022

Patent number: Patent #: US11324406B1


3) M Nour, H Sindi, N Daldal, K Polat (2022).

“Methods and systems for tilt and acceleration measurement based on hall effect sensors and artificial neural network algorithms” - is patented by the US patent office in 2022.$.PD.%2526OS%3DAN%2F%252522king%252BAbdulaziz%252Buniversity%252522%252BAND%252BISD%2F2022%2526RS%3DAN%2F%252522king%252BAbdulaziz%252Buniversity%252522%252BAND%252BISD%2F2022&PageNum=&Rtype=&SectionNum=&idkey=NONE&Input=View+first+page

Patent number: Patent #: US11340066B1